2011 Mixtape
High Fructose Fun Separate Tracks mp3s Download
High Fructose Fun is intended to be listened to as a whole but has been broken into separate tracks for easier navigation. Jiggawatt thanks all sampled artists.
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Ma$h Money is intended to be listened to as a whole but has been broken into separate tracks for easier navigation.
Ma$h Money & High Fructose Fun by Jiggawatt are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license. The CC license does not interfere with the rights you have under the fair use doctrine, which gives you permission to make certain uses of the work even for commercial purposes. Also, the CC license does not grant rights to non-transformative use of the source material Jiggawatt used to make the album.
*Special Thanks to Michael Fernandez for the album art.
Yes, I like Back To The Future.